Saturday, December 20, 2008


I feel that this is a very good book that may help in our understanding.

金刚经 (Diamond Sutra)

第一品 法会因由分
第二品 善现启请分
第三品 大乘正宗分
第四品 妙行无住分
第五品 如理实见分
第六品 正信希有分
第七品 无得无说分
第八品 依法出生分
第九品 一相无相分
第十品 庄严净土分
第十一品 无为福胜分
第十二品 尊重正教分
第十三品 如法受持分
第十四品 离相寂灭分
第十五品 持经功德分
第十六品 能净业障分
“复次,须菩提!若善男子、善女人,受持读诵此经,若为人轻贱,是人先世罪业,应堕恶道,以今世人轻贱故,先世罪业则为消灭,当得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。”“须菩提!我念过去无量阿僧祗劫,于然灯佛前,得值八百四千万亿那由他诸佛,悉皆供养承事,无空过者,若复有人, 于后末世,能受持读诵此经,所得功德,于我所供养诸佛功德,百分不及一,千万亿分、乃至算数譬喻所不能及。须菩提!若善男子、善女人,于后末世,有受持读诵此经,所得功德,我若具说者,或有人闻,心则狂乱,狐疑不信。须菩提!当知是经义不可思议,果报亦不可思议。”
第十七品 究竟无我分
第十八品 一体同观分
第十九品 法界通分分
第二十品 离色离相分
第二十一品 非说所说分
第二十二品 无法可得分
第二十三品 净心行善分
第二十四品 福智无比分
第二十五品 化无所化分
第二十六品 法身非相分
第二十七品 无断无灭分
第二十八品 不受不贪分
第二十九品 威仪寂净分
第三十品 一合理相分
第三十一品 知见不生分
第三十二品 应化非真分


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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Patriarch Shan Tao

The Pure Land Patriarch Shan Tao, traditionally considered a Transformation Body of Amitabha Buddha, was endowed with great spiritual powers and wisdom. However, in teaching Pure Land, he did not advocate the mystical and sublime but merely emphasized everyday, ordinary realities. His teachings on Exclusive Practice and Sundry Practices are extremely useful.

Exclusive Practice consists of the body bowing exclusively to Amitabha Buddha, the mouth exclusively repeating the Buddha's name. Out of ten thousand cultivators who practise in such a manner, ten thousand are assured of rebirth in the Pure Land.

Sundry Practices entail engaging in various methods of cultivation while dedicating the merits accrued toward rebirth in the Western Land. Since the practitioner's mind is not focussed or singleminded, it is difficult to accumulate merits. Thus, only three or four out of hundreds of thousands can hope to achieve rebirth in the Pure Land. These are true, golden words of advice, immutable throughout the ages. Both of you should follow them for your own benefit and in counselling everyone else.

Reciting mantras, too, should be considered an ancillary practice, rather than a principal method along with Buddha Recitation. The merits derived from mantra recitation are indeed inconceivable. However, ordinary people who achieve rebirth in the Pure Land owe it entirely to utterly sincere Faith and Vows, as these correspond to the lofty Vows of Amitabha Buddha. If you are not clear about this truth, thinking that all Dharmas are unfathomable and therefore it does not matter which method you cultivate, you will end up practising neither Zen nor Pure Land. This will lead to eons of wandering in the wasteland of Birth and Death -- whom, then, could you rely on for help?

You should realize that as a common being full of karmic obstructions, you will certainly find it difficult to escape Birth and Death in this very life unless you rely on the Vows of Amitabha Buddha. Only then will you discover that the Pure Land method surpasses other Dharma methods in power and utility!

Reciting mantras and sutras for the purpose of sowing merits and wisdom and eliminating evil karma and transgressions is all to the good. However, to be deluded and seek spiritual powers is to abandon the roots for the branches -- an error in judgement. If, furthermore, your mind is grasping, your understanding of the Dharma nebulous, your precept-keeping lax, your Bodhi Mind undeveloped and your discriminatory, win-lose mind raging unchecked, you will be exposed one day to demons that may drive you insane!

If you want to obtain spiritual powers, you should first attain Enlightenment and Buddhahood. Once Buddhahood is attained, you will naturally have full spiritual powers. If you do not strive for the Way but merely seek spiritual powers, let us not even speak about whether anything can be gained. If you should obtain anything, it would become an impediment to the Way. For this reason, the Buddhas and Patriarchs have strictly prohibited this erroneous form of cultivation. Because such ideas are common, I have taken the opportunity to mention them in passing.

(Pure-Land Zen, Zen Pure-Land)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Koan (kung-an)

In Zen, a koan is a phrase from a sutra or teaching on Zen realization, an episode from the life of an ancient master ... each pointing to the nature of ultimate reality. Essential to a koan is a paradox, i.e., that which is "beyond thinking", which transcends the logical or conceptual. Thus, since it cannot be solved by reason, a koan is not a riddle. Solving a koan requires a leap to another level of comprehension. (Shambhala Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen, p.117.)

Buddha Recitation methods

There are, in general, four methods of Buddha Recitation: Real Mark Buddha Recitation; Visualization; Contemplation of an Image; and oral recitation (Holding the Name).

Real Mark Buddha Recitation is, essentially, a Zen practice and entails "entering the Mind's foremost meaning, reciting our own Original Buddha Nature".

Visualization (Contemplation by Thought) is the method thought in the Meditation Sutra, with its Sixteen Contemplations on the features of Amitabha Buddha and His Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Contemplation of an Image requires the practitioner to face a statue of Amitabha Buddha and impress all the features of that statue in his memory, to the point where he clearly sees Amitabha Buddha all the time, whether his eyes are open or closed.

Oral recitation consists simply of reciting the words "Amitabha Buddha), either silently or aloud. The important point here is to have a truly earnest and reverent mind. In fact, this method is so popular that it is often considered synonymous with Pure Land practice.

(For further details, see Master Thich Thien Tam, Buddhism of Wisdom and Faith sect.29)

Mistakened Aspirations

The ultimate goal of all Buddhist methods and practices is to escape Birth and Death and achieve Buddhahood, as the Buddhas did. This being the case, any other aspirations are mistaken and not in accord with the true intention of the Buddhas. Thus, such aspirations as rebirth as a male or as a king in the realms of gods and men, or even as a high-ranking master known far and wide, are questionable. These goals fall short of the ultimate aim of liberation. They can even be dangerous, given the weak nature of sentient beings, as power and influence provide the opportunity for heavy transgressions. Thus, the merits accrued in this lifetime are potential enemies of the third lifetime. (Pure-Land Zen, Zen Pure-Land)

Gathering the faculties together

The Method of Hearing is in keeping with the fundamental principle that if one sense-organ is intensely concentrated, all the other five sense-organs would be also held still automatically. This is the most fundamental tenet of the reciting method, as said in the Surangama Sutra: "when the six sense-organs are simultaneously held in concentration, there will be every pure thought in succession." (Hsu Heng Chi, What's Buddhism, p.56.)

Do not commit suicide

Do not think, furthermore, that to commit suicide is to free yourself of the cares and worries of this life! Once dead, your soul will be led away by the power of karma to be reborn in another body - not to mention that, given your angry state of mind, you may well be reborn in the animal realm. Under such circumstances, it will be difficult even to regain a female body. Should you succeed in being reborn as a woman or a man, or even as a ruler in the human or celestial realms, there is still no assurance that you will encounter the Dharma and engage in cultivation! Even if you are so fortunate, who knows if you will be in the good position to discover the Pure Land method - a method that enables each and every one to escape Birth and Death in one lifetime.

Moreover, even if you were fortunate enough to encounter the Pure Land method then, is it not much better to go on living and cultivating patiently right now, so that when this retribution body comes to an end, you will immediately achieve rebirth in the Land of Ultimate Bliss?

Celestial realms in this text refers to the realms of the gods (beings superior to humans in merit and virtue). In Buddhist cosmology, there are two main divisions: realms subject to Birth and Death and realms beyond Birth and Death. Those realms still subject to Birth and Death include the hellish, animal, human and celestial realms, etc. The Buddha Realms/Lands (of which the Western Pure Land is part) are beyond the cycle of Birth and Death. (Pure-Land Zen, Zen Pure-Land)