Thursday, December 25, 2008

Conditioned Benefits or Merits

Conditioned benefits or merits ("merits with outflows") are the blessings of this world, such as wealth, power, longevity, etc. Unconditioned benefits or merits ("merits without outflows") refers to Truth, Nirvana, True Mark, Dharma Realm, etc. ... Turning unconditioned merits into conditioned merits is a common mistake of sentient beings. For example, reciting the Buddha's name is in itself an unconditioned merit but reciting while praying for wealth or honour turns it into a conditioned merit.

Mind of discrimination: the ordinary mind of human beings, constantly making distinctions between right and wrong, the self and others, etc. Such a mind can never fully comprehend the Ultimate Truth -- one and indivisible. The silence of Vimalakirti illustrates this point.

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